Saturday, 26 September 2015

Strategy Guide: Mario Kart 64

Mario Kart 64 Strategy Guide Critique

Ok so I found this among a few other strategy guides during the summer thought I’d post a little Critique about this awesome Mario Kart 64 strategy guide from Nintendo in the 90s!

Printed in United states and published in 1997, this book has awesome cover art and artwork all throughout the book. With slightly glossy pages, this guide has the feel of a magazine (maybe because it came from the guys at Nintendo Power) as well it has nice bold and saturated colours to help make the art throughout really pop off the pages, which compliments the game’s 3D qualities. The book also comes with 2 Mario Kart bumper stickers, life size, to put on your own vehicle, which is an awesome addition and makes sense too include.

I will say though as someone who has played the game quite extensively as a child, a strategy guide for this game is almost completely unnecessary and novel too have. This strategy guide has beautiful art and layed out nicely, If it weren’t for that and the bumper stickers included, most can go with out. Overall this is still an awesome book and would compliment any Nintendo fan’s game collection.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Eternal Peter Pan

Illustrator: Susan Hudson

Susan lives in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. A lot of her work in the past is an exploration of classic fairy tales. In recent exhibits she has done more work revolving around nature, which is inspired by her passion as an avid gardener. Often her work has abstract qualities.

Studio work done by her in Lunenburg is more versatile which includes a range of media that utilizes painting and collage with photographic or computer created images. In 1999, Hudson was elected into the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts.

The Eternal Peter Pan:

Printed in Canada, in 1987 this book was published in both the Canada and US. Each spread comes with a page and text to read, then a wonderful picture with a quote that follows on the next page. The entire book is layed out like this.

The beauty of this book is its uniqueness in illustration and appeal. It’s easy enough for a child to pick up and read but also has fairly deep quotes and messages that can register with an older audience. Also the copy I found appears to have her signature? Experts?


Susan Hudson, 2015, peer gallery, retreieved from ://

Susan Hudson Illustrations, 1987, The Eternal Peter Pan, Montreal, Quebec, Tundra

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Halo Graphic Novel

Halo Graphic Novel 2006

Cover Artist: Phil Hale

Born in 1963, Philip Hale is an American Figurative painter who has done quite a bit of cover artwork including works for Halo Graphic Novel, Batman, Swamp Thing, and More

Much of his work tends to focus on the human figure in surreal scenes including unique or strange characters in different physical positions, usually in a confrontation. Also focusing in on tension and dynamic perspectives, usually his work has slight anatomical exaggerations or distortions.

Halo Graphic Novel:

Printed by Marvel in 2006, this graphic novel has a beautifully illustrated sleeve with 128 pages, and is split into 4 different stories related to the Halo universe. Each story was written and illustrated by different artists and has a unique style of illustration too keep the viewer engaged.


Phil Hale Bio, Comicbookdb, 2015, retrieved from  Comic

Marvel & Bungie, 2006, Halo Graphic Novel, New York, NY, Marvel